1. Rear Admiral Dhiren Vig, a Gunnery Specialist was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 01 Jan 1986. He is graduate of the National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Defence Services Staff College, India and the Naval War College, Mumbai (India).
2. During his career spanning over 37 years, he has been through a myriad of operational and staff appointments. These include Commands of the Guided Missile Frigate INS Betwa, Frigate INS Udaigiri, 1241 RE Missile Vessels INS Nirbhik & INS Vidyut and Second in Command of the Missile Corvette INS Khukri.
3. The officer’s other important appointments ashore include Naval Assistant to Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command, Defence Assistant to Chief of Integrated Defence Staff, Staff Officer (Gunnery) at Headquarters Flag Officer Sea Training, Command Gunnery Officer, Western Naval Command, Commanding Officer INS Kadamba (Asia’s largest Naval base), Director (Navy) at HQ Integrated Defence Staff and Principal Director of Naval Training at IHQ MoD (Navy).
4. On promotion to the flag rank, the officer was appointed at Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) as Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Foreign Cooperation and Intelligence) {ACNS (FCI)} w.e.f. 02 Apr 15. As ACNS (FCI), wherein the officer was responsible for Diplomatic outreach of Indian Navy with the navies of the friendly foreign countries in close coordination with Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Defence and was instrumental in negotiating International Defence Agreements and bilateral / multilateral Defence Cooperative initiatives. The officer was actively involved in making concept papers on strategic projects.
5. The officer was appointed as Additional Director General Project Seabird, HQ Project Seabird, {ADG (Seabird)} w.e.f. 09 Mar 18. As ADG (Seabird), he was responsible for planning and execution of Project ‘Seabird’ an infrastructure project for expanding the existing Naval Base at Karwar, Which is Asia’s largest Naval Base.
6. The officer was appointed as Senior Directing Staff (Navy) at the premier National Defence College (NDC), New Delhi w.e.f. 01 Mar 19. As SDS (Navy), the officer’s responsibility included Mentoring National Security and Strategy for senior officials both from Defence and Civil services from India & friendly foreign countries.
7. The officer superannuated from Indian Navy on 16th January, 2023 and joined the Armed Forces Tribunal, Principal Bench at New Delhi on 16 January, 2023.
8. For his devotion to duty, the officer was awarded Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM) by President of India in 2020 and Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM) in 2022. He has also received commendations from the Chief Integrated Staff Committee (2005), Chief of the Naval Staff (2004) and Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command (2002) during his career in the Indian Navy.